Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New theme to this summer!

Ten unproductive days of summer have zoomed by already and it is time to make a change!

Today was only the beginning of the summer filled with things to do! I went to the gym and purchased a gym membership (I only want to lose 3 lbs.. oh my goodness but your so thin....). I also went to the books store and purchased my GRE test prep book and after that I came home make a cup of coffee and then started to study for my first history exam! Just because I dont have a job for the first half of the summer does not mean I have to waste it!

Things I hope to accomplish this summer:

1) Complete my History class with an A.
2) Get fit!
3) Prepare for the GRE and hopefully register for it!
4) Look over the 10 India slides and have notes on each one of them. (My summer research project!)
5) Read for fun!
6) Volunteer!

Wish me luck! So many exclamation points!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Obsession Continues

So I continue to be irrationally obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have contemplated making a W.W.B.D. bracelet just to show my dedication to the fighting of demons. I have finished Season 4 so far and I unsure when I will be able to start Season 5! I am excited about this season because Buffy's sister Dawn arrives, Oz is completely gone, Buffy and Riley are still together, Willow embraces her lesbian-ness, and I hear Buffy's mom dies! GAA!! Joss Whedon has simply out done himself!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

10 lbs in a pie dish.

So a few years ago I made a cookie cake pie that was okay.

A few days ago a dear friend of mine sent me the recipe so I decided to give it a go sadly it didn't turn out again, but I think I know how to make it perfect for next time.

Once it turns perfectly it will appropriately be called The Holy Trinity. The great goodness of a chocolate chip cookie, a cake and pie!


Was she drunk??

So after I completed Gilad's Total Body Workout I decided to catch the last half of the MTV Movie Awards. Here are my thoughts:

I am curious as to how many of these serious actors are okay with having to be there. This show is one giant joke! How embarrassing would it be to lose to Twilight when you are a serious actor in Slumdog Millionaire or anything! Seriously Twilight as the best movie of the year.... What a sad world...

ALSO!! ( Maybe I just dont get the whole Twilight thing but..)

Maybe Kimberly Stewart (The girl from Twilight) was just really nervous, but I am pretty sure she was drunk. She couldn't walk straight, she had sex hair and she was a bumbling idiot...she even dropped the award!


I have a follower!! I hope it still counts even though I know him.....

I dont understand!!!